At Heritage, we are very proud of the faculty and staff that influence your students on a daily basis. With enthusiasm for the curriculum and a heart for the kids, every person employed by HCA adds to the unique environment we offer. Our combined faculty and staff have an impressive 515 years of experience and have collectively earned 51 degrees. We are blessed to work with every person in the Heritage family!


David Lacey

- President David Lacey

David Lacey has been a board member since 2011 and is currently serving as Board President. He and his wife, Deborah, have been active in the life of HCA, volunteering in a variety of areas, including technology, basketball, and just about any small need that arises. David likes to spend as much time as possible being involved in the activities of their two children, Elizabeth and Catherine.

Robert Weant

- Vice President Robert Weant

Robert Weant graduated from the University of Wyoming with a BS in Business Administration. He has 25 years experience as a business owner/manager, Systems Engineer and QA Test Engineer. He enjoys spending time as an amateur extra radio operator and hobby electronics builder. Robert married Gaylyn Riley in 1984 and they have three children, Katie, Michael, and Emily.

Jill Black

- Treasurer Jill Black

Jill was born and raised in Estes Park, then earned her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Colorado. She and her husband Jeff have three girls at Heritage, Kelsey (kindergarten), Kylar (2nd) and Keira (4th). She keeps busy with her girls, is active in her church and works part time for a local architecture firm. Jill is looking forward to her second year on the school board.

Jason Siemers

- Secretary Jason Siemers

Jason Siemers has been serving on the HCA Board since 2011. He has been married to his wife Jacky for over 15 years, and he has two children at HCA, Kahlina and Harper. Jason graduated from Heritage Christian School in 1998, before earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Colorado State University in 2003. Jason and his family attend Faith Evangelical Free Church, where they all volunteer together in numerous ways. He has also enjoyed the opportunity to vol- unteer in various ways at HCA. He has previously served as an Assistant Coach and as a Head Coach for the Junior High Boys soccer team. Currently, Jason is the Head Coach for the High School Boys Soccer team, and an Assistant Coach for the Junior High Track team.

Cathy Holcombe

- Member Cathy Holcombe

Cathy and her husband Brent Holcombe have two children of their own who attend Heritage, (Lizzie, 2nd grade, Claire 7th grade) as well as hosting International student Yilin Liu, 11th grade. Cathy and Brent are owners of a volumetric concrete mixer manufacturing business based out of Ault, CO called Holcombe Mixers, as well as owners of Colorado Leather Balm, a manufacturer and wholesaler of natural leather conditioner and skin care products. Cathy is passionate about Christian education and loves serving Heritage in whatever way she can, including as a school board member.

Jason Kraft

- Member Jason Kraft

Jason and his wife, Cheri, along with their four children, have been involved with Heritage since their oldest daughter started kindergarten in 2008. Additionally, Jason has previously served on the Heritage Christian Foundation board.

He is a fourth generation native of Fort Collins, CO. He attended Colorado State University where he acquired a BA in Animal Science with an emphasis in Agriculture Economics.  Jason owns and operates Compass Ag Solutions,  an Agricultural Risk Management Consulting firm, in old town Fort Collins where they provide commercial futures and options brokerage and software for agriculture producers in North America. Jason and his wife, Cheri and their four kids, Kyli, Tyler, Mataya and Clay, live on a farm north of Fort Collins, Colorado where they raise hay and cattle.

Zach Pool

- Member Zach Pool

Zach Pool, his wife Nichole, and their two children, Bailey (4th) and Chloe (K), have been part of the Heritage Family since 2018. They enjoy volunteering in a variety of areas at HCA and are also involved in Ministry leadership at Dayspring Christian Church. Zach looks forward to this opportunity to serve and is excited about the future of Heritage Christian Academy.

Ted Simmons

- Member Ted Simmons

Ted and his wife, Jamie, have been actively involved with Heritage since 2000. They have three sons, Caleb (HCA 2012), Stephen (HCA 2015), and Daniel (current student). Along with being on the HCA board since 2007, he has served on the Heritage Christian Foundation board from the beginning. He believes strongly that the distinctive Christian worldview of HCA is the critical foundation upon which all true education rests. He loves this school and is committed to striving to help make the experience here one that will last a lifetime and impact our world for Christ.


- Member Member

