Summer Reading

Summer Reading Program

Literary Investment: Summer Reading Requirement

Heritage Christian Academy has consistently emphasized reading the literary classics. Through books, we enter into the thoughts and lives of others, growing and learning alongside them, succeeding and failing, rejoicing and grieving, journeying and dying. It is among our greatest human delights. One of our responsibilities as educators and parents is to see that our children acquire not only the ability to read well, but also acquire a taste for what is good and beautiful in literature.

In addition to the books that students may read in class with their classmates and teachers, we hope to help students develop the habit of reading books on their own. In order to do this, we require students going into first grade through sixth grade to keep a “reading log” of the books they read throughout the summer.

Our reading list is categorized by grade level and reading level. It also includes recommended texts to read aloud to children. For each grade level we selected books that:

enlarge a student’s imagination about God, the world, or humanity;
evidence the highest quality writing and story-telling;
are “age-appropriate,” even if challenging;
have endured the test of time or have influenced literature culture;
integrate with other areas of the curriculum


Each book students read will count as a particular point-value based on its length. Half of the points earned should derive from reading books from the suggested list, and half of the points earned can come from reading self-selected books.

Details for how to earn points for reading are in the Summer Reading Program PDF below.

Reading Log: Students record the date and number of pages read* that day in the Summer Reading Log contained in the PDF below. Parents verify the information with their signature.

*Reading can occur in three ways:

  1. Students read on their own
  2. Students listen as someone reads to them
  3. Students listen to an audio version of a book (Parents, please verify that your student is attentive while listening audio books.)

When families read together, each student in the family will receive the appropriate credit for the reading time.

Any Bible or devotional reading may be included in daily page count for any grade level. Record the titles of books, authors, and number of points earned for every book read in the form below.

If you have questions, please contact Valerie Brown at


Verification of Reading

Parents are responsible for verifying that a book has been read by their child, or that they have listened attentively to one that has been read to them. Titles of books, authors, and point values should be recorded on the child’s literature log and submitted by the end of September. The required parent signature certifies that the parent has verified the child’s reading as well as the accuracy of all points recorded.

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