Grandparents Day 2025

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Register Here for Grandparents Day 2025!

We are looking forward to celebrating the grandparents and special guests of our students on February 12, 2025!

Please register by January 12th so we can plan accordingly.

Celebrating your legacy

At Heritage Christian Academy, we are thrilled to bring back an event that celebrates the legacies our students represent. Grandparents and grandparent figures play critical roles in young children growing up to be healthy adults. We are glad to have the opportunity to honor these stakeholders by inviting them into the educational experience at Heritage.

The day will include chapel, classroom time, school tours, a photo keepsake, and light refreshments. This is a great opportunity for grandparents to get a glimpse into the school their grandchildren attend and what they’re learning.

WHAT: HCA Grandparents Day

WHO: Grandparents & Special Guests of HCA students

WHEN: February 12, 2025; 8AM-11:45AM

WHERE: Heritage Christian Academy, 2506 Zurich Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80524

But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children—

Grandparenting Resources

Check out resources provided by Legacy Coalition on Christian grandparenting! They offer creative ways to engage with your grandchild in various stages, as well as books that provide practical tips on how you can integrate your faith as you continue to establish the legacy your family is growing into.

